
Showing posts from November, 2019


1. Read down below at the requirements of the micro-monster lab PowerPoint and the main PowerPoint. 2. Your job is to update any photos from the lab and make sure that all slides are complete. 3. When I come back, we will do some more microscope investigation on your own pond water and other protists. 4. The videos down below are for students who have both projects up to date (remember to check below on earlier posts so see what you need to do)

Micro-Monster lab

1. Make a new PowerPoint titled "micro-lab" 2. Make 12 slides (one title slide and 11 evidence slides) 3. Put a title on each slide for each organism. Amoeba proteus Euglena Paramecium Arcella vulgaris Peranema Planaria Water Bear 4. Each slide should have: text box with an observation photo or video (if you can) Online picture if you have time

3rd Grade Kingdoms and Evolution

Kingdoms Project: 1. Title Page "Micro-Monsters and Evolution" 2. Page for each kingdom of life 3. Pages for Evolution - Natural Selection - How to tell if animals and plants are related to each other (Play Game here ) 4. How protists move (3 ways at least) 5. List of 5 common protists. 6. The difference between prokaryotes and eukaryotes. 6