
Showing posts from March, 2022

PowerPoint work day

 Today we will be doing a work day to help us complete our PowerPoint on waves. Down below you will see the requirements and links that will help you complete the slides. 2. Put a title on each slide in this order: Waves intro slide Amplitude - Click here to learn Frequency - Click here to learn Hertz -  Click here to learn Decibels - Click here to learn Sound waves - Click here to learn Light waves - Click here to learn seismic waves - Click here to learn Longitudinal waves vs transverse waves - Click here to learn Electromagnetic spectrum - See the link for light waves above Tone testing - This is your spreadsheet you made in class - bonus if you write down your results from a home test with your family. Instruments and vibrations - From what you learned last week about different instrument shapes and sounds Take the Quiz Challenge! Wave Fun Harmonics Test Link to online tone generator Voice Spinner Little Oscillator Dudes Piano Soundwaves Lab Music Lab Awesome Videos about Sound

QUIP top 5 project

1. Watch the instructional video. 2. Start a NEW PowerPoint project. 3. Make you save it as "My Top 5." 4. Think of a super cool topic that you want to use for your top 5. 5. Make 6 slides (the first slide will be the title page) 6. Check out the new Top 5 video from me!