
Try out these sites to look at how waves and music are related. If you still need to work on your PowerPoint, the slide requirements are listed below.

Harmonics Test

Link to online tone generator

Voice Spinner

Little Oscillator Dudes

Piano Soundwaves Lab

Music Lab

 1. Open PowerPoint and make 12 blank slides.

2. Put a title on each slide in this order:

  1. Waves
  2. Amplitude
  3. Frequency
  4. Hertz
  5. Decibels
  6. Sound waves
  7. Light waves
  8. seismic waves
  9. Longitudinal waves vs transverse waves
  10. Electromagnetic spectrum
  11. Tone testing
  12. Instruments and vibrations
3. You can add images to the first slide but save the other slides for the work we will do on this unit.
4. You can get a head start by watching this video below "Waves" by Bill Nye.
5. Be aware that we will be watching this is sections in class so you may end up seeing it more than once.

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