Evolution Review

1. Top 5 Sharing (5-6 people share)

2. Finish slide show work - If you finish your slideshow for micro-monsters you can:

- Work on certification

- Play the rabbit population game. Click Here to try yourself

- Do a new top-5 project

If you need to finish micro-monsters:

 1. Intro slide

2. Planarian slide (pictures and 2-3 facts)

3. Artemia slide (pictures and 2-3 facts)

4. Archaea slide

5. Bacteria slide

6. Protists slide

7. Plant vs Animal cell slide

8. Two different types of microscopes slide

9.  Slides for:

- Amoeba

- Paramecium

- Stentor

- Tardigrade

- Euglena

- Bonus for more!

Click here to learn about Artemia

Click here to learn about Planarians

Click here to learn about Archaea

Click here to learn about Bacteria

Click here to learn about Protists

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